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God, Our Ultimate Dream Weaver

Kim Beaumont

Updated: Feb 3, 2021

WhenI was a little girl, my mum used to listen to the song 'Dream Weaver' . I’m not sure if any of you remember the song from the 70's? (I know I am showing my age right there!) I love the first verse:

‘I've just closed my eyes again, climbed aboard the dream weaver train,

Driver take my worries of today and leave tomorrow behind.....’

As a prophetic person I'm ALWAYS on the dream weaver train! And one of the main ways God speaks to me is through my dreams at night. I have been a prolific dreamer ever since I can remember! I look forward to my pillow every night! Because I know that there is a high possibility that I will encounter God as I sleep! Even as a child I began to realize that often God was speaking to me in my dreams. No one really told me and I didn't really share that info with anyone, but I knew deep inside it was one of the ways that He spoke to me.

Genesis 28 tells the story of Jacob resting his head upon a rock and God speaking to him in a dream.

Verse 16 ...'Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.”

Often God will speak to us through our dreams and we may not even realise it!

My most favourite dream was when I was 16. I was not yet really walking with God, but who knows that God speaks to His kids before His kids are actually speaking to Him!

I dreamt of a boy, with dark hair and brown eyes. He came from my mum’s hometown, 12 hours south from where I was living at the time and his name was Steve.

I fell madly in love with him....and then I woke up!

The dream was SO VIVID, I have never forgotten it.

Fast forward 3 years later, I had graduated from High School and moved back to live with my grandmother in her hometown. One night at a party, I met a boy with dark hair and brown eyes and guess what his name was? Yep, you guessed it! Steve! We've now been married 31 years, with 3 beautiful children!

This dream is one of many that God has used to speak to me! Sometimes they are literal, sometimes metaphoric and often I need Holy Spirit to help me interpret them.

I look forward to every night climbing aboard that dream weaver train in anticipation that my 'Driver' will speak to me, show me things and take me on adventures with Him.

If one third of our lives is spent asleep , why wouldn't God be utilising that time to

connect with us? Remember what Jacob said? 'Surely God is in this place and I did not know it.' Let's be people who learn to recognise that God is speaking to us even in those times that we may 'not know it'.

I can’t wait to have a conversation with you and share some of the strategies and tips I have learnt over the years to help me understand dreams in the night!

So, how is your 'night life'?

When was the last time God spoke to you in your dreams?

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